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Planning Lighting Circuits for Your New Kitchen: A Handy Guide

When it comes to your kitchen, lighting can make all the difference! Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast or a microwave meal maestro, it's vital to see what you're doing.

Here’s a handy guide to help you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your kitchen is both safe and well-lit.

Thinking Ahead

Ever tried plugging in a new gadget and found there’s no socket nearby? Frustrating, isn’t it?

Planning where your kitchen appliances will go and where you might want more light can save a lot of hassle later on!

Keeping it Safe and Handy

We all know water and electricity aren’t a good mix, so it’s essential to have safe outlets near the sink.

And remember, having a few extra outlets around can come in very handy for those additional gadgets you might pick up!

Top Tips for Kitchen Lighting:

  • Mix it Up: Use a variety of lights like strip lights and under-cabinet lighting to avoid shadows and dark spots.

  • Think Functional: Different areas have different needs. Brighter lights are great for cooking, while softer lights are perfect for dining.

  • Stay in Control: Having switches and dimmers in convenient locations gives you the flexibility to set the perfect mood.

Balancing Your Lighting

Ever noticed how some rooms have just the right amount of light, while others either feel like a spotlight or a cave?

That’s where balancing different types of lighting comes in! Mixing up overhead lights with under-cabinet lighting and strip lights can give your kitchen a warm, even glow.

Under cabinet lighting

Control at Your Fingertips

Imagine having to walk across a dark room just to turn on a light! Installing switches at both ends of your kitchen and having controls for any plug-in lamps can be a real game-changer.

FAQs: Lighting Up Your Kitchen the Right Way

Navigate through our FAQs for quick insights and clear answers on kitchen lighting. Whether you're wondering about light placement, safety, or types of lights, we've got the practical advice every DIY enthusiast seeks!

Planning helps in avoiding inconvenience and ensures you have light and power where you need them, making your kitchen more functional and enjoyable.

Yes, but planning ahead and adding them now can save you time and trouble in the future!

A combination of overhead, strip, and under-cabinet lighting usually works best to create a balanced and functional lighting setup.

Mixing different types of lights and placing them strategically will help illuminate your kitchen evenly.

Definitely! Keep them away from water sources and have a few extra ones around for convenience.

Absolutely! Installing dimmers can help you adjust the brightness to suit different needs and moods.

Knowing where your appliances will be helps in placing outlets conveniently and avoids frustration later on.

It means you won’t have to walk across a dark kitchen to turn on the light – it’s all about convenience!

While not mandatory, it can help eliminate shadows and make tasks like chopping and reading recipes easier.

Balancing different types of lighting and using dimmers can help you create the perfect ambiance.


Planning the lighting for your new kitchen might seem daunting, but with a little foresight, you can create a safe, well-lit, and welcoming space.

And remember, if you’re looking for quality kitchen supplies that won’t break the bank, check out our offerings at Better Kitchens.